Delhi Election – A Five Point Analysis
In last five years, Delhi faced problems no less than any other states. In fact, we can say, the problems…
In last five years, Delhi faced problems no less than any other states. In fact, we can say, the problems…
So many stories across generations starting from the time of Mahabharata are there behind this name “Vijayawada”. Bejjamwada, Vijayavatika, Vijayavata,…
“…male troops not yet being mentally schooled to accept women officers in command units…”, “…training of male troops does not…
সেই সন্ধ্যে জুড়ে চলছে শব্দটা হোমস্টের একধাঁরে। সূর্যাস্ত হয়েছে বেশ কিছুক্ষণ আগে কিন্তু এখনো অন্ধকার নামেনি। সূর্য্যের শেষ কিছু আভা…
সময় যেন হটাৎ থমকে দাঁড়ালো আজ; শুয়োপোকার গতিতে ব্রিটিশ আমলের ট্রামটা এঁকে বেঁকে চলছে কলকাতার পথে। এমন কিছু ভীড় নেই।…
Today I died once again. Once again the freedom I was born with ended my life. Never imagined my freedom…
The kid is not more than 4 years old. With a can of apple juice, was watching him holding his…
Silence is not an Empty concept; it is full of answers we generally don’t find in noise… So far memory…
To me, clouds are the biggest inspirations one can find in his/her life. While some of us compare cloud with…